蕨知苑空間 Space | 楊柏林


楊柏林平時一個人住,太太住在隔了兩條河的另一個家,倆人刻意的保持着距離。 「我很感謝我的太太,婚後一個人還能夠過上自己想要的生活, 這是一種好運氣。」跟着一条看看這個可以俯瞰台北故宮院的房子吧。

Artist Yang Bolin, born in an impoverished rural area, went to work in a metropolis when he was 13 years old. Three decades ago, he moved to the abandoned farmhouses next to the Yangming Mountain in Taipei, and since then he has invested 100 to 200 million TWD in the transformation of the space. He regards the space as a piece of art and keeps refining it till today.

Yang Bolin lives alone by himself and his wife lives in a house two rivers away to maintain a distance between them. “I am grateful to my wife for allowing me to live alone the way I want after we got married. I am a lucky man.” Let YIT give you a tour around the house overlooking the National Palace Museum in Taipei.


藝術家 Artist | 范承宗 FAN,CHENG-ZONG


陶藝家 Ceramist | 陳九駱 CHEN,JIU-LUO